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View of the exhibition Into Great Silence [Juan Martínez Montañés / Diego Velázquez / Alonso Cano / Juan Martínez Montañés and Juan De Mesa]

PEPE ESPALIÚ. The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 1992. 230 x 110 x 25 cm. Photo: Todomuta Studio Sergio Herrera

CHTO DELAT. The Excluded: In a Moment of Danger, 2014. Video Installation, 57'.
Photo: Todomuta Studio Sergio Herrera

More Than This, 2010
Sound Installation

View of the exhibition Into Great Silence [Juan Martínez Montañés / Diego Velázquez / Alonso Cano / Juan Martínez Montañés and Juan De Mesa]
PEPE ESPALIÚ. The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 1992. Iron, 230 x 110 x 25 cm. Photo: Todomuta Studio Sergio Herrera
CHTO DELAT. The Excluded: In a Moment of Danger, 2014. Video Installation, 57'. Photo: Todomuta Studio Sergio Herrera
SUSAN PHILIPSZ. More Than This, 2010. Sound Installation. Photo: Todomuta Studio Sergio Herrrera

PRENSA-CAAC. Avda. Américo Vespucio, 2. 41092 Sevilla
Tel: (34) 955 037085 · Fax: (34) 955 037052 · e-mail: prensa.caac@juntadeandalucia.es

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